오픽 예제

2주동안 매일 2시간씩 오픽 공부하고 시험을 쳐보자!! 

IH는 평균 1분 30초 말하고 AL은 평균 2분 가까이 말해야함. 

AL-IH 목표라면 난이도 5. 그 이하라면 난이도 4.

1번 자기소개 문항을 포함하여  총 15개의 문항이 나올 것이다. 

스크립트를 절대 외우지 마라. 핵심 단어 문장에 익숙해지기 위한 노력을 하는 것이 중요하다. 스크립트를 작성하는 이유는 내가 어떤 말을 할지 미리 생각해두기 위함이다. 즉 한국어로 작성해도 상관이 없다.

이 글의 예제는 난이도 5기준이다. 

공부 방법 : MP3 파일을 듣고 실전처럼 대답하면서 연습하자. 

1. 자기소개하기

- 15문제 중 유일하게 예측 가능한 질문

- 자신감 상승을 위해 답하는 것을 추천

- 현재시제로 대답하기

-HAND Gesture 쓰기

Let's start interview now. Tell me little bit about yourself.


My name is ( ), and I turned 29 years old this year.

본론 1

I got my master's degree in material science. I chose this major because physics is a subject that has always fascinated me. These days, I'm looking for a job as an engineer in display industry.

본론 2

As for my personality, I tend to be a bit introverted, but I can be extroverted when I'm around my friends.

Actually, my close friends have told me that I have an outgoing personality because I do outdoor activities like running or meeting with friends regularly.

So I can say that I'm a combination of the two personalities.

본론 3

Oh! Let me tell you about what I do fun. 

When I have free time, I play computer game. I like to play starcraft and league of legends game.

And sometimes, I write game strategies on my blog.

Not only game, I also write about what I studied or interested in.

In fact, the total number of visitors of my blog is over 120,000.


So I guess that's everything about me.


Tell me about recycling in your country. What kinds of items do people usually recycle? Please tell me how the recycling system works in your country in detail.

Who is responsible for recycling at your home? Tell me how recycling is done at your home in detail.

Have you noticed any differences in the recycling system in your country? How has the process of recycling changed from the past? Please tell me in detail.


- 가장 출제빈도가 높은 유형 중 하나

- 사는 곳, 동네, 자주 방문하는 공원, 여행지, 은행 등

"장소"가 포함될 만한 주제라면 출제 가능성이 높다

- 위치, 크기, 묘사, 좋아하는 이유 등 구체적인 사항에 대해 질문 

You indicated in the survey that you live in an apartment. Could you please give me a detailed description of your home? What kinds of rooms do you have in your home? Please tell me about them in detail.

I live on the 4th floor of an apartment complex.

I have lived here for 12 years.

I live in here with my family father, mother, and younger sister.

I have a comfy bed and a brand new sofa. I was worth the money.

My home has bath room and kitchen and a balcony.

I recently redecorated my room. I changed the location of my desk and bed, and exchanged the light bulb. It made the room more brighter. 

Of all the rooms in my house, my bedroom is definitely my favorite place to spend time.

It is very important for a family to spend time together. When and how often do you spend time with your family? What do you usually do with your familiy?

- 질문에 usually가 있으면 현재시제로 답한다.

Compare the home you lived in before to the one you live in now. What are the differences between those two homes? provide me as many details as possible.



- 어떤 난이도를 선택하던 상관없이 무조건 한 세트 출제

- 세 가지 단계별 질문 유형

1. 제시된 상황에서 상대방에게 질문하기

2. 주어진 문제 상황을 상대방에게 설명하고 대안 제시하기

 I'm going to give you a situation to act out. You want to invite a couple to your home for dinner this weekend. Call your family and ask 3-4 questions about it.

(하영이가 비빔밥을 좋아하니 내가 금요일에 herb와 vegetables를 사는 것이 어떻겠느냐, 토요일이 좋은가 일요일이 좋은가? 토요일이 좋다고 ? 좋은 생각이다. 일요일엔 교회를 가야하니까. 장 볼 때 어머니 카드 써도 되는가? 나는 지금 looking for a job 상태라 I am short of budget.)

I'm sorry, but there is a situation which I need you to resolve. You were planning to invite your friends to your house, but one of you family members is sick. Call your friend and explain why you can't have them over and offer two or three other options.

마지막에, Okay. then let's meet in front of the hospital. See you then. I am sorry again. bye.


돌발주제로 건강관련 문제들이 나올 수 있다.

Many people are interested in being healthy. Please talk about what people do in order to stay healthy. What do they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner to maintain their state of health?


How have people's interest in health changed over the years? What did they do in order ti stay healthy in the past? And what about theses days? Tell me about it  in detail.


주로 난이도 4 이상에서 주제와 관련된 A와 B의 차이점에 대한 질문이 나온다.

Many people enjoy hiking these days. How is hiking different from other types of sports? What are the benefits of hiking? Please provide your answer with details.

What was the most recent hiking or trekking trip you went on? Explain where and when you went hiking or trekking, and discuss this trip from beginning to end. 

Do you have and experience of getting injured from hiking? If so, what exactly happened? Please tell me from beginning to end.


최근 시사 문제들을 물어보는 유형. 높은 질문 난이도를 선택하면 나온다. 시험 끝의 13, 14, 15번 문제 출제할 확률이 높다. 

Do you think there is a housing problem in your country? Please tell me about the issues with your housing over the years and whether it caused you any trouble.

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